Monday, August 10, 2009
Ramblings on August 10th.
Today was my last day of work so I got hugs, a kiss, free brownie and ice tea from the coffee shop, and cake (Good Luck at IC Allison!). It will be so super weird not going to work tomorrow (and the next day and the next day).
Wednesday I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed( which I've already mentioned). I'm so super nervous! I know it will hurt, but I'm hoping it doesn't last too long. Ugh wishing I didn't have to, but my lower ones are impacted and it , could all sorts of problems.
Booking I'm reading: Evermore by Alison Noel. It's really good:)
and Three Cups of Tea (still!!!! I need to just finish it and it truly is getting better.
Watching: Right now, right now- Days of Our Lives but in general Gilmore Girls- Season 5.
On my face right now: Rimmel primer and lasting finish foundation, Clinique All About Eyes Concealer, ELF concealer, Wet and Wild Bronzzer in Bali Bronze, Milani Mineral Blush in Mai Tai, Maybelline's new vibrating mascara, Clinique eyeshadow quad in Plum Seduction
My youtube- if i get say 15 or 20 subscribers I will have a contest.
So yeah subscribe!
XOXO, Allison
Thursday, August 6, 2009
It's August!
Monday, the 10th, is my last day of work. I've worked there since September 4th. I'm quite ready for a change. Some days I like working. Others, well, I can't stand working. And I get a party at work :)
Wednesday, the 12th, I have to get my wisdom teeth removed. My lower ones are impacted and my top ones are coming out, but are barely out. So this means pain and probably "chipmunk" cheeks. So not looking forward to this.
And finally, Friday August 28th I'm moving into my dorm. I have to go my seminar class that next day. And my classes start September 1st. I'm taking 5 classes (17 credit hours). I'm getting nervous and really exciting. I can't even imagine how different I know it will be.
Because, there's a link to this in my brush review on youtube, I'll talk someone beauty (which sounds weird the way I worded it).
- I've been trying lots of makeup looks, particularly eye looks. I've been browsing people's youtube channels and frankly, it's made me buy lots of makeup. Right now I have on Covergirl's Shimmering Sands which I saw in a few people's video. Also, my bronzer I never would of picked up if it wasn't for emilynoel83.
-Right now I'm waiting for my Huge Lips, Skinny Hips lip gloss (I ordered 2!) and some everyday minerals makeup.
- Try this (I'm loving these things now): Wet N Wild Bronzzer in Bali Bronze, Covergirl Eye Enhancer's quad in Urban Basics, Clinique's lip gloss in Bamboo Pink, Covergirl's eyeliners, Rimmel's foundations, ELF's mineral booster, L'Oreal Telescopic mascara.
XOXO, Allison
Thursday, July 30, 2009
So I'm not great at making videos, so instead of posting on Youtube I'll post here.
-Maybelline Expert Wear Eyeshadow in Chai Latte. I saw this in emilynoel83's video (Julianne Hough: 100 most beautiful), and now I've seen it in a lot of peoples. I love this and the colors seems

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
To-Do List
So I have a long to-do list.
Here it is!
1) Clean my room: It is terrible. I keep starting and then stopping and it gets worse. I really, really need to clean and it keep it that way.
2) Read my book for my seminar class: It's called Three Cups of Tea and I've talked about it before.
3) Read my other books from the library and watch the movies I rented: So I have like 6 books to read and 6 movies.
4) Put away my laundry: I did laundry Sunday, and it's still not put away.
5) Get random items for college: Laundry stuff, decorations, new clothes, new pajamas, and all sorts of other things
6) Make strawberry cupcakes: I told Sarah I'd make them for her awhile ago. Random story- at work people had a meeting and there were extra cupcakes. They gave them to us and Sarah loved them. So did I. This happened like 3 months ago and last month Sarah mentioned them. I told her I would make them.
7) Get healthier- so that way it will be habitual for college
8) Call the doctor's office- why do colleges make you get a physical anyways. I can't stand going to the doctor.
So yeah I'm sure there are more.
What's on your to-do list?
XoXo, Allison
Monday, July 20, 2009
Nothing Important
Right now I'm watching The Bachelorette and I decided to do a blog post. Also, my niece is over right now.
I think this is the right video. She was being quite silly though.
Today, I worked from 8:30-2:30 and I work tomorrow from 2:15-8:15. I'm also going dorm shopping tomorrow! YAY! I can't believe in like 5 or so weeks I'll be living in a dorm with someone I've never met before.
Reading: Wherever Nina Lies and Three Cups of Tea
I tried two mascaras, so here's a quick review. I tried L'Oreal Telescopic and it works really good. It's lasted all day (before work) and it's 7:40 right now. Try it! Yesterday, I tried Victoria Secret's Beauty Rush. I say it works good for the price (6 for $20), but it's not the best I've tried. Lash Blast is still a favorite. Oh and tomorrow I'm wearing cream blush for the first time. I think I'll like it, it's very pretty :)
My camera should be back soon so hopefully I'll be making Youtube videos. I made one but the quality is super bad.
I think I'm just rambling but that's okay. Anyone have favorite nail polishes? I want a new one.
Alright, well thanks for reading!
XOXO, Allison
Sunday, July 19, 2009
All sorts of randomness
So lately I've been watching tons of youtube videos and getting tons of makeup ideas. I've spent like $80 on ELF. And probably $100 in drugstore things. I can't wait to try them all out. I swear it's like my makeup collection has doubled in the past month or two. And I've also been wanting to go to MAC. But the closest one is about 1 1/2 away so at the end of the summer I think I'm going to go. Anything I really should try? Also, anyone interested in seeing what I've been buying?
So I read a lot. Like a lot, a lot. So I think I'm going to start telling what book(s) I'm reading. Right now I'm reading Boy's R Us by Lisi Harrison and Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson (I don't know how to spell his last name). The latter is for my college class. I have to write an essay before I move in at the end of August.
Movie I'm watching/finished watching- Right now Transformers and yesterday I watched the Jonas Brothers: The Concert Experience.
I swear I'm such a kid with some things. Like the Jonas Brothers and the Lisi Harrison book. But I do have to say I started those in middle school and they are still coming out.
Well I probably should end this post. I need to clean my room, read my books, and stop on by my mom's house.
Have an awesome day!
XOXO, Allison
Friday, July 10, 2009
New blog :)
One of my first things I've been wanting to talk to you about is The Bachelorette. So, if you haven't seen last Monday's episode yet scroll for awhile.
Well ever since, say the second episode, I didn't like Wes. After awhile, I was even getting mad at Jillian for keeping him. How many times did people have to say he had a girlfriend before she believed him? Well let's see, until he accidently said it himself. When Jillian let him go, Wes was quite proud of himself for going to the final four with a GIRLFRIEND. What a terrible person. Just to get publicity. I don't have words to describe him. I can't believe he would hurt someone like that, just to get ahead.
And before I go to get my hair done, I'm going to do some "in's and out's".
Neutogena Nourishing Eye Quad in Moonlight Violet. I saw it in Seventeen, worn by Juicystar07 from Youtube.
Ice Tea- unsweetened of course.
One Tree Hill- I started getting into by watching it on Netflix (I'm only on season 5 so I don't want you to give away secrets)
Reading- Summer is the perfect time to read and working at a library, I love books!
Hair cuts- Change can be good and I'm getting one today.
Working all the time- After a 35.5 hour work week, plus babysitting tonight and yesterday, I really need a break.
Not doing summer reading- I think I need to get going on my book for my class
Rain- It ruined my 4th of July plans and it looks like it might rain now.
Look for an E.L.F. review soon, my package should be arriving anyday now.
XOXO, Allison